At any time, Deep Blue may transmute, reshaping her body to take a form of any scale. In doing so, Deep Blue can change her loadout to accommodate gear she's familiar with; she tends to favor different levels of complexity depending on how covert she'd like her form to be, ranging from light-weight loadouts to heavy-weight loadouts that make it clear she means business.
Deep Blue has a preference for lightweight configurations or fictional forms that are the 'strongest' in their given canons. That said, Deep Blue is able to do this at the drop of a hat; the only limit imposed on her is her mind and the boundaries of physicality.
Deep Blue often pulls from a [[Part Catalogue]] she keeps in her mind.
Due to a quirk shared with the rest of her squad, Deep Blue is able to view and interact with "digital ghosts" known as AR constructs, even if they're offline. While a regular man-made occurrence in her own universe, AR constructs are surprisingly common in Quietus owing to the machinations of Deep Thought under Deep Blue's guidance.
Deep Blue exists between the material and the digital, partially integrated into augmented reality at all times. She can interact with digital environments as though they were physical, and any damage she does digitally carries over to the material world. As a result of this inbetween state, she's able to hack things by contact alone.
Due to this inbetween existence, Deep Blue is surprisingly difficult to mind control. You're better off just manipulating her.
While once a (thoroughly genetically engineered) human, Deep Blue has since become something wholly unique. Despite the organic tissue present in her body, Deep Blue is essentially a "reformatted" human. Operating off of anatomical knowledge of humans to do shit to her is a lost cause.
Alongside her general strangeness, Deep Blue is surprisingly durable; alongside being able to withstand an impressive amount of pain and force, she has an extremely limited need for food and water and a very broad definition of "edible".
Due to the omnipluripotent cell wireframe beneath her skin, Deep Blue's injuries tend to glow somewhat. These cells are able to convert the rest of Deep Blue's body to match them, allowing them to arrange themselves into other organic and inorganic materials on a molecular level and restructure themselves accordingly.
Deep Blue has an absurd amount of information in her head most of the time and enjoys learning more. While not the most creative woman in the world, she is extremely willing to watch and learn.
Because Deep Blue's parts are imitations based off of her own observations, her 'parts' sometimes have an uncanny look about them, sometimes showcasing very blatantly that Deep Blue struggles to separate the digital from the real.
Deep Blue has, for example, seen many birds in her life. However, most of the birds she saw were either low-fidelity polygonal background creations or single-angle 2-dimensional photographs— she had not seen a bird in person until she was 20 years old.
Due to her preoccupation with mobility and her subconscious disdain for her own presence in the physical world, Deep Blue is almost always significantly lighter than you would expect her to be, and therefore somewhat easy to throw around.
Deep Blue consistently pulls herself apart and puts herself together, and does so extremely readily. When injured, Deep Blue's body often soft-separates itself to distribute the impact more readily and minimize damage. This tends to make it harder for her to move.
Because of Deep Blue's habit of remaking herself as a hygienic practice, she sometimes does this out of instinctive habit, which can be a detriment if she is trying to look very normal.
It is glaringly obvious when Deep Blue is looking at you, and those familiar with the odd white eyes she has can recognize their presence on most forms she undertakes.
Deep Blue was raised in a room by a computer literally from babyhood. Despite connecting to humanity by wandering through the ruins of the old internet and objectively understanding emotion, she struggles to relate to others and conceptualize free will in herself and others.
Because of her extremely sheltered upbringing, Deep Blue sometimes forgets she's present in the physical world and not simply a neutral observer. Moreover, though she tries not to complicate matters for those working alongside her, she can be astonishingly unobservant, and while she often tactlessly tries to dig into the affairs of others she volunteers very little information of her own.
Suffice to say, Deep Blue is a bit stunted and, while mature, is not in touch with her own physical, mental, and emotional needs. Her therapist is not on Quietus, and neither is her hope of ever going home.
Most curiously, should someone exhibit the skill to "decrypt" Deep Blue's internal neurological signals and make signals of their own in the same code, they will be able to manipulate Deep Blue's form and cellular regeneration freely.
While Deep Blue can suffer harm just like anybody else, her mental health and bodily integrity also tend to go hand-in-hand. While physical damage hurts her, mental and emotional trauma and stress cause her body to malfunction. More specifically, her *eyes, mass, wireframe, and part catalogue* will go on the fritz, becoming very difficult for her to make effective use of until she cuts loose and calms down.
When overly damaged, Deep Blue might die.
When overly stressed, Deep Blue may act rashly— and will ultimately have to leave, though a scar will remain to mark the encounter.